The GEA / CANDU price comparison chart is crazy. They only deliver 200TW hours/20 years? The grift is clear

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Readers may wish to review chapters 2-7 of Blue-Green Province: The Environment and the Political Economic of Ontario (UBC Press 2012 - open access) to gain a clearer and more reality-based grasp history of electricity and energy policy in Ontario. The relevant chapters in the 2016 and 2024 editions of the Politics of Ontario would be useful as well. If the author of this article has any refereed publications of their own to share on these matters I am sure readers would be interested to know what they are.

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A fun response to nuclear hopeful critics of New England’s energy transition is that if you follow the power far enough, we are actually increasing our nuclear usage! Well, technically Quebec can’t keep their own lights on and send power down to the states so Ontario’s nuclear fills the gap, buuuuuuuutttt potato potato 😉

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